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Red Star® Distillers Active Dry Yeast (DADY) is a specially selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae designed for distillers' use in grain mash fermentations for ethanol. DADY will produce maximum alcohol yields under controlled temperatures (less than 90°F, 32°C). DADY has been a proven performer for over 20 years and is the cost conscious choice of many producers in the ethanol industry. It has been used for the manufacture of light spirit and Whiskeys. It is also used on corn mash and syrup fermentations.


Pitching levels between 2-4 lbs per 1000 gallons (25-50 g per hectoliter) will give an initial yeast density of approximately 7-14 billion yeast cells per gallon (2.5-5.0 million per ml). Prior to inoculation, yeast should be rehydrated in 4-5 times its weight of clean water at 104°F (40°C) for 15 minutes.


Red Star® Distillers Active Dry Yeast (DADY)

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